History of the Mill
A breif timeline of the mill long firey history.
17th Century
Stump Mills :
A stump mill is a type of wind mill where the mill house is placed on a vertical axis on a foot of hard lumber. When the mill is turned towards the wind, the whole house and the wings are turned. This was done from the ground with a crank.
Back then, the stump mills were the most common type of wind mill in Denmark. Now, there are only a few left, and some are still working.
Stump mill replaced with a Dutch windmill
On a Dutch wind mill, only the hat with the wings can be turned against the wind.
Almost a dozen years after being built, this mill burned down and a new and larger mill, "Phoenix Mill", was built on the site in 1828.
Early 20th Century
At the beginning of this century, in addition to the mill, trade in grain and feed was conducted (photo from about 1900).
An engine was installed in the mill
Equipped with “selvkrøjer“ (self-propelled by windrose) and selvsvikker (automatic adjustable sails).